
Technology platform
Innovation, technology, integration and sharing
API R&D Center

The API R&D Center is responsible for the research and development of innovative APIs, marketed APIs or intermediates. Specifically, it is responsible for the synthesis of APIs, small-scale process development, process optimization, pilot testing and scale-up, and formulates a reasonable process. control, impurity control strategies, registration and filing, etc., to ultimately achieve commercial production with stable product processes and guaranteed quality.

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We will answer your inquiries in various ways, and jointly provide customized professional consultation and solutions for your research and development needs.

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黑龙江省| 鄂托克旗| 乳山市| 兴宁市| 吴忠市| 攀枝花市| 星座| 靖边县| 涿州市| 宁城县| 富裕县| 贵德县| 光山县| 铁岭市| 连平县| 吉林市| 锡林郭勒盟| 绿春县| 通州区| 邹平县| 嘉义市| 巴林左旗| 武隆县| 舞钢市| 得荣县| 淮北市| 桦南县| 大安市| 溆浦县| 白朗县| 图片| 徐水县| 张掖市| 南丹县| 益阳市| 揭西县| 巴塘县| 左云县| 周至县| 阳西县| 乳山市|