
Technology platform
Innovation, technology, integration and sharing
Impurity Research Platform

The platform is composed of scientific researchers with many years of experience in impurity research. It is equipped with multiple advanced high-resolution mass spectrometers and numerous high-end equipment and software required for analysis and synthesis (Waters 2D I-Class+Xevo QTof high-resolution mass spectrometer, ThermoU3000 Dual ternary + QE high-resolution mass spectrometer, 4 triple quadrupole mass spectrometers with customized modules, 2 Thermo Fisher ion chromatographs, 1 Thermo Fisher CAD electrospray detector, and 2 high-voltage preparations, and A microwave synthesizer), which can provide identification of unknown impurities, impurity spectrum research, impurity genotoxicity assessment, impurity methodology research, and customized synthesis of impurity reference standards. The company's team has impurity research experience in more than 400 projects, and can quickly and accurately determine the structure of unknown impurities, generate full-process impurity research solutions, and eliminate many uncertain factors in impurity research. The impurity research platform has provided more than 90 impurity standards to the China Institute of Food and Drug Control.

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