
Technology platform
Innovation, technology, integration and sharing
Sustained&Controlled Release Preparation

The platform was established in 2017 and is equipped with experimental equipment such as multi-functional fluidized beds, extrusion spheronizers, multi-layer tablet presses, and laser drilling machines. It masters skeleton release technology (including gel-type skeletons and soluble skeletons), Membrane controlled release technology (including enteric-coated pellets, sustained-release pellets), osmotic pump technology, etc., and has successfully mastered the impact of membrane-controlled technology coating characteristics and post-processing methods on release. Multi-layer matrix sustained-release technology is based on Achieve multiple in vivo drug release, single-chamber or multi-chamber osmotic pump type sustained and controlled release technology to achieve zero-order release, etc.; have experience in R&D and industrialization of multiple products: sustained and contr+B5olled release preparations are higher than ordinary immediate release dosage forms, and are under development The technical details of industrial production need to be fully considered during the process to ensure the high quality of the drugs. The varieties currently under development include mesalazine enteric-coated tablets, sitagliptin metformin sustained-release tablets, diclofenac sodium sustained-release capsules, and levodopa sustained-release tablets. Release tablets, fluvastatin sodium sustained-release tablets, metformin sustained-release tablets, etc.; declared varieties include omeprazole enteric-coated capsules, trimetazidine hydrochloride sustained-release tablets, tofacitinib citrate sustained-release tablets, left Etiracetam sustained-release tablets, etc.

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